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Are you looking for your very own Norwich? Do you have questions about this spirited breed? Send us a message and we'll get you in touch with one of our recommended breeders. 


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Norwich Terrier | Events

Our club wants to invite you and your Norwich pooches to join us during these fun and enjoyable events. Please mark your calendar of the following dates. These events are subject to change. More specifics about locations and information will be sent as activities are solidified. Please save the dates.

May 14,2022: Walk at Balletto Winery and Santa Rosa Laguna Trail for members and guests. Information will be emailed. A general meeting will be held. 

June 25, 2022, Norwich Fun Day, Held at Cary and Andrew’s place in Clarksburg CA. Lure coursing, games, a raffle, and lunch

SF Crissy Field Dog Walk (September 3rd), held at Crissy Field in SF. Late morning at 11:00 a.m. Norwich walk along the beach off-leash (optional) followed by lunch and General Meeting.

October 29th, Dixon Dog Show, BOD Meeting

December 3rd, Holiday Luncheon and General Meeting Will be held In Sacramento hosted by Lynn and Howard Marshall. Members will receive an email with details.



There are no upcoming events at this time.